A Heart for the Nations: Guatemala
I realize that as a Christian home educator, you want more from your curriculum. You want that experience and commitment of time to result in a deeper revelation of what defines a Believer, to transform your child’s character development, and to produce a spirit that cares for others. With those goals in mind, we have created a series of unit studies, “A Heart for the Nations.” “A Heart for the Nations” is designed to help your child understand life in an area of the world that might be foreign to him—today. We are proud to present “A Heart for the Nations: Guatemala” as the first of this series.
Designed primarily for elementary and middle school students, this unit study is self-paced, allowing you and your child to study Guatemala while completing math, science, reading and writing activities as your time and interests dictate. As just a few examples, you will study:
Geographical terms and the impact of various geological structures
Introductory banking concepts
Composition of poetry
The importance of textiles, and fabric making techniques, with loads of Guatemalan crafts to put inside!
Using core academic areas, your student(s) will step into the world of a child living in Guatemala. Prayerfully, as your child uncovers more and more about Guatemala, he or she will understand that connection of soul and spirit that makes us all one where it truly counts.